CMA Standard Courses
The CMA sport is based on a solid firearms education concept for pistol and rifle. The concept is implemented by standard courses, objective tests, meaningful certifications and licenses and periodic renewals.
The standard courses are taught by certified CMA instructors and have standardized goals, lesson plans and tests.
Basic Pistol and Rifle Education
Prior to attending the intro courses, a shooter will have to acquire the respective basic handling and shooting skills. CMA has defined standard courses covering the basic education. It is largely independent of CMA and therefore, equivalent educations are accepted.
Basic Pistol Skills
Understand & apply 4 universal safety rules
Understand & apply 5 fundamentals of shooting
Pistol parts and operation
Dis-/assembly & maintenance
Draw & re-holster
Ready Position
Standing, kneeling, prone shooting positions
Load & unload
PSC (Personal Safety Check)
Precision shoot & hit up to 20m
Magazine change
Emergency reload
Aiming techniques
Double tap & recoil control
​Basic and extended malfunction clearance
Draw, shoot & hit from holster​
Target transition
Shoot & hit one handed right and left
Shoot & hit from barricades
Shoot & hit under time pressure
Basic Rifle Skills
Understand & apply 4 universal safety rules
Understand & apply 5 fundamentals of shooting
Rifle parts and operation
Dis-/assembly & maintenance
Safety Position
PSC (Personal Safety Check)
Ready Position
Standing, kneeling, prone shooting positions
Load & unload
Precision shoot & hit up to 100m
Magazine change
Emergency reload
Aiming techniques
Double tap & recoil control
​Basic and extended malfunction clearance
Target transition
Shoot & hit from right and left shoulder
Shoot & hit from barricades
Shoot & hit under time pressure
Handgun Intro Course

The handgun intro course (or pistol intro course) has to be passed by every new CMA shooter prior to attending the first competition. Together with a valid membership, the successful completion of the course will result in the CMA handgun shooting license valid for 12 months. The license can simply be extended anytime for another 12 months by shooting the handgun skills test and by maintaining a valid membership.
Instructors will adapt the speed of advance to the skill level of the participants in a given class. However, all participants need to already possess solid basic pistol skills prior to attending this course.
For countries that are newly adopting CMA, some simplifications can be agreed to get the sport started.
Know and apply the CMA rules
Pass the handgun skills test
Be ready for CMA handgun competitions
Classroom presentation: CMA rules and their practical application
Dry Fire: Safe handgun handling skills
Practice typical shooting techniques
CMA handgun skills test
Apply in example stages (if time permits)
Safe shooters with solid basic handgun proficiency
New to the CMA sport
Valid CMA membership
Typically classes of 4-8 shooters per instructor
Personal eye and ear protection
Personal pistol fitting a CMA handgun division
Total of minimum 3 magazines
Safe clothing, holster and magazine pouches adhering to the CMA equipment rules
Approx. 200-300 rounds of ammunition
Full day course
Example: 09:00 to 17:30
Rifle Intro Course

The rifle intro course (or 2-gun intro course) has to be passed by every CMA shooter prior to attending the first 2-gun competition. Together with a valid membership, the successful completion of the course will result in the CMA rifle (2-gun) shooting license valid for 12 months. The license can simply be extended anytime for another 12 months by shooting the rifle skills test and by maintaining a valid membership.
Instructors will adapt the speed of advance to the skill level of the participants in a given class. However, all participants need to already possess solid basic rifle skills and a valid CMA handgun license prior to attending this course.
For countries that are newly adopting CMA, some simplifications can be agreed.
Know and apply the CMA 2-gun rules
Pass the rifle skills test
Be ready for CMA 2-gun competitions
Short intro to CMA 2-gun rules and their practical applcation
Dry Fire: Safe rifle handling skills
Practice typical shooting techniques
CMA rifle skills test
Apply in example stages (if time permits)
Safe shooters with solid basic rifle proficiency
Valid CMA handgun license
Valid CMA membership
Typically classes of 4-8 shooters per instructor
Personal eye and ear protection
Personal pistol and rifle fitting CMA divisions
Total of minimum 2 rifle and 3 handgun magazines
Safe clothing, holster and magazine pouches adhering to the CMA equipment rules
Approx. 300 rounds rifle and 100 rounds pistol
Full day course
Example: 09:00 to 17:00