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  • What is CMA?
    CMA is a dynamic shooting sport based on safe, simple and effective shooting skills. It emphasizes personal abilities and mental and physical fitness. CMA includes handgun and 2-gun (rifle plus handgun) education, certifications and competitions. The sport has been founded and is based in Switzerland. There are CMA organizations emerging in many countries across Europe, Asia and Africa, building an international sport community.
  • How is CMA different from other shooting sports?
    CMA is an independent sport and we prefer listing some relevant points describing what it is and what it isn't, to comparing it with other shooting sports. CMA IS: enforcing the four universal firearms safety rules without exceptions based on a safe, solid and effective firearms education concept for handguns and for rifles fostering comprehensive shooting skills paired with mental and physical fitness offering objective certification levels that can be used as a reference outside of the sport as well emphasizing personal skills over specialized equipment allowing a broad set of options in stage design, providing the shooter with a wide variety of entertaining challenges promoting sportsmanship independent made for shooters by shooters! CMA IS NOT: claiming to be 'practical', 'tactical' or 'defensive' in any way trying to please everybody suitable for 'smart' gaming and cheating following fashion trends in firearms design or available accessories
  • Why has CMA been founded?
    CMA has been founded on June 10, 2023 by a group of shooting professionals and enthusiasts to fill a gap in dynamic shooting sports. CMA provides a well founded basis for education, training and competition. Those three components are linked together. The sport emphasizes personal skills and physical and mental fitness. It allows for a large degree of freedom in designing really challenging and entertaining stages and competitions. Match Directors and stage designers have a large variety of tools and options at their disposal to create really attractive events. The shooting rules are kept simple and intuitive. The required shooting skills and techniques are certainly relevant and well thought-through, but there are no claims of the sport being 'practical, 'tactical, or 'self-defense' oriented.
  • How is CMA organized?
    At the moment, CMA is owned by the SwissAAA corporation, based in Switzerland. It is planned to transfer the sport into a separate, international sports association in the mid-term future.
  • Where can I find the rules of CMA?
    The current rules are published here:
  • Are there translations of the rules?
    All documents are written in English language. More and more translations become available and are published on the website.
  • What can I do if I have a suggestion about how to improve CMA?
    Please contact CMA! We don't think that everything we do is perfect and we know that there are some gaps that need to be filled. Please explain your suggestion in sufficient detail and provide some reasons why you think what you propose is a good idea. Ideally, you would already have some practical experience with CMA like being a certified competitor and already having completed some matches. If possible, add a couple of real world examples related to your suggestion. We will collect all suggestions and then go through the list and take decisions on the topics with the founder team. This will happen at least once a year.
  • What types of competitions are there in CMA?
    CMA has two types of competitions: 1) Handgun matches The handguns used have to fit into one of these divisions: Duty, Duty Optic, Sport or Sport Optic. 2) Two-Gun matches The rifles used have to fit into one of these divisions: Large Rifle, PCC or Small Rifle. In addition, the shooter will use a handgun that fits into any of the handgun divisions. In order to exploit the different potentials of handguns and rifles, the stages designed for the two match-types have to be different. For example, while it's some challenge to hit fast and confidently from 10m using the weak hand with a handgun, doing so with a rifle from the weak shoulder should not be too much of a difficulty, even for a beginner. Or, while hitting from 100m with a rifle is a common skill, doing it with a handgun is not easy at all. Consequently, handgun and Two-Gun matches have to be distinct to make them really interesting. It will not be possible - and it would not make much sense either - to participate in a handgun match using a PCC or to participate in a two-gun match using just a handgun. A match consists of several stages. A typical one-day match will have about 8-12 stages, depending on the squad size (number of shooters in a group) and the complexity of the stages. Matches will be categorized into tiers from 1-5. Tier 1 being a club match with local importance up to tier 5 being a global competition. The exact definition of the tiers will follow in the mid-term future.
  • Who can organize CMA Matches?
    CMA affiliated clubs and institutions can organize CMA matches. The have to be lead by a certified Match Director and certified Safety Officers.
  • What kind of stages are typical in CMA?
    CMA has three types of stages: 1) Open: The shooter engages targets from wherever they are visible and it is safe to do so. The shooters movement may only be limited for safety reasons. 2) Single Zone: The shooter may not leave the clearly marked shooting zone from the start signal to the last shot. 3) Multi Zone: The shooter must engage all targets from several defined shooting zones. The shooter may leave a zone to get to another one. The shooter cannot engage targets when outside of the zones. With all stage types, the stage procedure may require certain actions or sequences of actions to be done in a certain way, or it may leave it to the shooters to decide. Many times a given stage can be done in a multitude of different ways. A shooter will have to discover and choose options and make an optimal stage plan depending on his or her experience, preferences, confidence and skills. The stage designers and the match directors are free to combine stage types in a match depending on the range characteristics, the available material and other factors in order to provide an attractive overall match to all shooters. The three stage types are explained in short videos on the resources page:
  • What kind of targets are used in CMA?
    There are 2 types of targets: 1) Paper targets: - full size - 50% size to simulate larger distances - non-shoots: each hit will result in a penalty - partially cut or covered 2) Steel targets: - poppers - plates Steel targets have a minimal distance of 10m for pistols and 50m for rifles. Targets can be static or moving. Moving targets include for example swingers, up-downs, runners and turners and they are usually activated by hitting a steel activator, pulling a rope, opening a door, stepping on an activator and so on. Stage designers and match directors can combine types of targets, distances, shooting positions. shooting styles. shooting techniques and so on in order to create interesting, challenging and fun stages.
  • How many rounds can be required in a stage?
    The maximum number for required rounds in a stage is 30. Unless otherwise defined in the procedure, paper targets have to be engaged with 2 and steel targets with 1 round each. Most stages have unlimited scoring, which means that the shooter is allowed to shoot as many rounds as he or she likes per target. Only the best required hits (for example the best 2 hits) are scored. Steel targets must fall to be counted as hits. In special cases, the scoring is limited. This means that the shooter has to fire exactly the required number of round at a given target. Both skills tests have limited scoring.
  • How can I participate in CMA competitions?
    You need to be a certified CMA competitor. This means you need to be a CMA member and having passed the CMA Intro course including a successful skills test. The skills test needs to be repeated at least once every 12 months for the shooter to remain certified. Handgun matches require a handgun certification and 2-gun matches require both a rifle and a handgun certification. Match Directors can control eligibility of participants on the CMA website.
  • What if I am unsure when to join my first match?
    Once you have the necessary license, don't hesitate too long before actually joining a match. The earlier you start the longer you will enjoy shooting CMA! When a shooter participates for the first time in a match, he or she will usually be assigned a godfather giving valuable tips and answering questions. Don't be intimidated by the top shooters. Every one of them has been a beginner at some point. Remember, the top priority is to be safe. Just modulate your speed and make sure your are adhering to the safety rules. Keep your finger off the trigger and your muzzle in a safe direction. Make sure your front sight or your dot is on target before pulling the trigger. Nobody expects you to be lightning fast or to hit all zeros on your first match. Just be safe and everybody will be very welcoming and feel happy to have you on board!
  • Where do I find CMA matches?
    Macthes and other events, such as for example shooting classes, can be published on the CMA website. the can be viewed here: Additionally, many events are published on practiscore and on social media as well.
  • What certifications does CMA offer?
    It is planned to have certifications for the following levels: Competitor Safety Officer Match Director Trainer Instructor Currently, certification for competitor, safety officer and instructor are implemented. The other education and certification packages are being defined and will be rolled out in the future. For competitors, there are two certifications: handgun and rifle (2-gun). The handgun certification is a prerequisite for the rifle certification.
  • How do I get certified?
    The initial competitor certification is assessed by a certified CMA instructor. After the having completed a solid basic handgun education with the pistol, a new competitor can attend the CMA Intro Handgun course to get certified. As part of the course, the practical certification test will be the Handgun Skills Test. After having successfully completed the handgun certification and possessing a solid basic rifle education, a competitor can then proceed to take the CMA Intro Rifle course, including the rifle skills test, to get 2-gun certified. A certification has to be renewed by successfully performing the corresponding skills test at least once every 12 months. The renewal for existing shooters can be assessed by any certified Safety Officer.
  • What importance do the skills tests have for certifications?
    The handgun and rifle skills tests serve as the practical tests to obtain the certifications as a competitor. A shooter must first pass the handgun skills test and may then proceed to the rifle skills test. The practical tests have to be repeated at least once every 12 months in order for the certification to remain valid. You can check your current class and your skills test history in your dashboard.
  • What is the purpose of the skill levels or classes?
    There are five skill levels (or classes) in CMA, determined by shooting the skills tests: - Rookie (RK) - Marksman (MM) - Advanced (AV) - Expert (EX) - Master (MA) One purpose is to provide a framework for shooters to assess their skill level and improvement. It's a good means to measure the effectiveness of practice using an objective test and climbing up the levels. Another purpose is to be able to make rankings for classes or groups of classes in matches with a large number of participants. For example, the match director can group MA/EX and AV/MM/RK respectively, and thus make two rankings for a given division. This allows for more winners and more success stories. Several rankings per division only make sense if there is a large number of competitors in that division and in the class or class group, of course. The handgun skill level is valid for all handgun divisions and the 2-gun skill level for all 2-gun divisions. If a competitor starts in a different division than he or she previously did, it is not required to do another skills test for the new division. Both skill tests have to be performed at least once every 12 months. Shooters can only move upward in the skill levels. At the moment, downgrading is not a topic.
  • Why should I become a member?
    There are many reasons why this is a good idea. Some of the most important ones are for example: You become a valued member of the CMA community that is growing worldwide. You can take part in CMA events. Your membership helps to maintain momentum and make dynamic shooting sports better! Together we are strong! CMA is made for shooters by shooters! Come and join up today!
  • How do I become a member?
    You can become a CMA member by registering to the website. There are 2 steps to to complete: 1) Register on the website. You will be assigned a CMA membership number. That number stays with you and doesn't change. After you registered, you should see it at the top of the homepage and in your dashboard. Otherwise click on the respective button to get it. 2) Select an available membership plan, for example 1-year. The membership will have to be renewed according to the duration. You need an active membership to get certified and to participate in CMA events. You can check your membership at the top of the homepage and in your dashboard. Please note: membership and certification are not the same! To become a certified competitor you will need to attend the necessary education and pass the practical tests.
  • How much does a membership cost?
    At the moment, the membership is free. During 2024, we will define a modest membership fee to support the effort of running and developing the sport.
  • What do I do when my membership expires?
    Log in and go to your personal dashboard. From there you can navigate to the available membership options.
  • Do I need to join a local club?
    Every shooter can be a CMA member directly. However, we recommend to additionally join a club in order to better enjoy the sport.
  • Why should our club join CMA?
    Clubs will have the right to organize competitions and use the CMA brand to advertise them.
  • How can our club become affiliated with CMA?
    A CMA Safety Officer can register his/her club with CMA. Other members can see the club profile on the CMA website. In the future, a club membership concept will be defined.
  • How can I find a club?
    Clubs can be registered on the website and can then be found here:
  • How can we collaborate with CMA?
    CMA is looking for partnerships with relevant institutions and companies. In particular manufacturers of firearms and equipment, providers of firearm education, providers of shooting facilities and all related products and services. Please take contact to discuss mutual opportunities!
  • What are the benefits of collaborating with CMA?
    CMA is made for shooters by shooters. We are building a brand for quality, sportsmanship, fairness, integrity and camaraderie. If you share those values and are attracting like-minded customers, the CMA collaboration serves as a quality label. As a partner, you can use the CMA education and certification concepts to assure a high level of quality. By sponsoring CMA activities, events and matches you can attract a wide range of shooters to use your products and services and gain mind- and market-share.
  • What types of firearms can be used in CMA?
    CMA has handgun-only or 2-gun (rifle and handgun combined) competitions. Handguns are grouped into 4 and rifles into 3 divisions, depending on their characteristics and specifications. The divisions provide a level playing field for the competitors. We encourage the use of standard, mass production firearms with modern safety features that are suitable for duty usage by military and police forces.
  • What kind of pistol holsters can I use in CMA?
    A pistol holster used in CMA must - be a strong side OWB (Outside the Waist Band) belt holster - protect the firearm from moving with a minimum of level 1 (passive) retention - cover the trigger and prevent it from being activated - the entire front strap of the pistol must be above the belt - have a closed front: maximal distance between breech face of fully holstered pistol and beginning of closed front is 40mm - be positioned at the 9h or 3h position on the belt - hold the firearm vertically or with a maximum muzzle rearward cant of 20º - hold the firearm with a maximum distance of 20mm between firearm and belt Clothing must be worn in a way that it cannot interfere with the safe holstering or drawing of the firearm.
  • What kind of magazine pouches can I use in CMA?
    Magazines may be carried in pockets or in magazine pouches. Magazine pouches must: - cover minimum 50mm of the magazine on all sides - hold the magazine vertical or with maximum cant of 10º in either direction - hold the magazine with with long edge towards the body (no ‘bullet out’ position) - hold the magazine with a maximum distance of 20mm between magazine and belt - be positioned at the opposite side of the holster roughly at the 3h or 9h position on the belt
  • Can I use a drop pouch for magazine changes?
    For handgun competitions, the answer is no. For 2-Gun competitions, you can use a drop pouch on your belt.
  • Can I wear knee and elbow protectors?
    Yes. It's completely up to the shooter to wear suitable protectors. Depending on the floor, protectors are recommended for kneeling and prone positions. You can put them on for one stage and leave them off for another one.
  • Can I use my competition belt in CMA?
    CMA allows one belt that needs to go through all but 2 belt loops of the trousers. This can be a normal, sturdy belt and there's no need for a specialized kind of competition belt system.
  • Can I use a chest rig for 2-gun?
    No. We do not want obvious tactical gear to be used in CMA competitions. You will need your rifle spare mag in a belt mag pouch or in a trouser pocket. An exception can be made for police or military personnel competing in their full duty uniform.
  • Why are some guns, tuning parts or accessories not allowed?
    There are countless firearms readily available that will fit into a CMA division without any problems. Many common enhancements and replacement parts are allowed. For example, rounding edges, installing aftermarket sights or using aftermarket magazines and many other actions are not restricted as long as the firearm still fits the dimensional and weight limits. However, modifying or replacing certain parts may degrade or even negate the safety characteristics of a firearm. This concerns, in particular, all parts related to the firing mechanism such as for example: trigger assemblies, trigger parts, related springs, related sears, transfer bars, strikers, firing pins, hammers and so on. Replacing or modifying individual or a combination of such parts may render the firearm less safe or even unsafe. It may, for example, increase the risk of accidental and negligent discharges, compromise drop safety or cause the gun to fire multiple shots with one trigger pull. Such parts may therefore only be used if they are made or explicitly approved as completely safe by the firearm manufacturer for that particular firearm and model. Safety is the top priority in CMA. We are convinced that it is irresponsible to take unnecessary, even careless, risks around firearm safety in sports shooting.
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